Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spirited Away Telecommunications Engineering dreams of career planning series of activities - exchange of experience ...

 Telecommunication Engineering Institute, true!
in the > Telecom Engineering undergraduates each year, a substantial proportion of choice to pursue graduate degrees after graduation, and graduate students what life is really like? graduate life will be suitable for us? many students have such doubts. The exchange for large exchanges, is a telecommunications engineering college Research and protect all seniors, sister, and in graduate school, doctoral students opportunities seniors face to face, to help you fully understand the sister school seniors and their experience, their life and thus more accurate to think and plan more clearly.  exchange time and place: 
will attend the exchange of guests:
Li Feng teacher employment Telecommunications Engineering RESEARCH POSTS counselor supervisor Paul
Wang Zhuo Li Xingmin
security research laboratory Laboratory
Chen Li Ping instructor Kenichi POSTS lab instructor Kenji POSTS
Pan Qun Sun Lei
lab instructor Kenji laboratory
Zhang Zhihui Zhang Ping mentor teacher Kenji Guwan Yi Ye Bo Li Zhao laboratory
Wang Jianfeng, Oi Tung Bo instructor lab instructor lab
three POSTS lecture session was over, we will also be invited Mentor Home Edition in order to answer Part of the instruction manual will be coordinated with the exchange, for the students to provide more detailed and relevant information.
seniors live talk show on Friday with the ppt will be uploaded to power after the hospital FTP: 59.64. 148.4, are welcome to download!
Telecommunication Engineering 05 Year Committee
2008   4   22   BTW: follow-up we will have to prepare for the Kaoyan lectures and seminars for the job, if we have a series of activities for the What comments and suggestions can be written in the comments ~ ~
our version of the North Mailman School House is also open for Comments, I hope that we can enthusiastically express their views, put forward your valuable suggestions.

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