Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gong Li is expected to cooperate with the Jim Carrey film

 Robert Hartley Pleasant lifetime photo.

Guangzhou Daily reported on January 15, according to foreign media reports, Paramount Pictures under U.S. journalists, artists, explorers, collectors and the life story of Robert Bentley Pleasant creative film You do not believe in the Forrest Gump However, the same film starring Jim Carrey, the Chinese actress Gong Li is expected to featuring the female lead.

In 1918, he opened a newspaper called Polo. Paramount Pictures want to be able to brand its made into a series of films, it is learned, the film to Robert Hartley Pleasant background knowledge in China, and now Paramount has begun to modify the script, is expected to start recently.

(This article Source: Dayang - of Guangzhou Daily: What side)

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