Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Theory of Poetry Mingjie

 Noise impact of the poetry of life demonstrate
mm jie New Theory of Poetry
text / Chen on behalf of the
we all know, poetry as a literary tower spire, carrying the essential spirit of the human society, part of the culture. If we say that China's new literature originated in the late 19th century, the rise in the early 20th century, and then lay the twenties and thirties of the 20th century the basis of their Bukeyiyi; then created the Chinese poetry in the beginning of May Fourth Literature to form a novel phase with quite comparable to the creative power and potential of tide. Chinese New Source For rich cultural paradox from the start it was woven into a revolutionary means to promote the evolution of social movements, in verse since the beginning of the May Fourth Movement in the modern sex appeal you can see, on the one hand, . TANG Xiao Du Poetics [M]. China Social Sciences Press, 2001.), which fundamentally determines the nature of the utilitarian tendency of poetry, on the other hand, as the unprecedented poetry, can only be a ; overall anti-traditionalism tend to make it not stick to itself, it can not mortgage the future and reverse history, the present, so as to create their own art of poetry in China provides a very rich characterization of internal tension, for the formation of a variety of unique laid the ideological school of art basis. particularly in the eighties of last century, in the grew up in this atmosphere, a poet, his poetry starting from the people, through the mind on, he human destination, to the spirit through writing, writing the truly from the bottom of the depth of his feelings and discoveries. his poems and reality, poetry and art of understanding and grasp of Chinese Poetry increasingly conscious and mature, and his works of literature not only by the traditional name of Journal of favor, but also the people scattered in various poetry journals and sites. Even more gratifying is that he created Orioles on the long grass, peanuts, tree hybrid, in the symbiosis can not be replaced in the construction of the position of Qilu poet and cultural identity, and poetry in the national context of the gradual recognition. is particularly valuable in this material to bring a lot of people enjoy and the earthly happiness of the consumer society, in the lonely wandering journey, Ming-jie essential to a poet of conscience, character and morality, and in-depth the times sharp and courage, to thoroughly reflect on the reality and the Culture of the Native difficulties, individuals try to establish self-consistent system of poetics, which open up a decisive and to the Poems. from his imaginative projection of the poetry and passion, we feel his life on earth, the countryside focus on the city, details of the light, and there are things of nature nostalgic. that a large number of villages into a lingering image of dense atmosphere, is born in the root feelings. is a poet living in the concrete Circumstances of the root of the local search and watch. its rich and unique spirit of the world for the new century poetry written to provide a far-reaching perspective of the evolution of the aesthetic implication contained in his plight the spirit of the times of observation and thinking. for contemporary poetry, I am unable to make more precise comments. this look forward to starting the case from the poetry, the poet arrived at through the reality of the spirit of the narrative Ming-jie, listening to his deep inside where love, life and death topics such as furans fate furans and echo sounding whispering.
(a) of the Sex and the City for the lonely wanderer has a rather complex life experiences
Ming-jie, fees from the County of Linyi City, Shandong Province, a place called the place Liuzhuang crossing the village commune Xidan After his childhood and adolescence. home of a small Su River in his young mind take root and become local lingering memory of his life. a beautiful little piece of the poet Su River became a childhood paradise Xu Jia Ya it from the upstream reservoir flows to the west of the village, and then went around the village, Central Village over the direction of the Yi river to Linyi; village was dug prior to the four reservoirs, ponds pond to form a blue waves of the artificial lake; pond the three bridges between the village to the outside is the only way out. young jie often in his childhood playmates during recess and lower river to catch fish shrimp, small memory and story of Su River became his life inexhaustible, the creative use of the source is not absolute.
20 years in the future years, the poet has been drifting. When he was out from the hometown of Linyi old revolutionary base areas, the first places in Yanzhou Coal Mining Bureau to do a North coal miners, and later went to school around the country, has studied at Northwestern University, Lu Xun Literature Institute, Shandong University, postgraduate courses, and then later to Beijing, learning poetry, has published can not hide the look Xie Mian, literary historian kongfanjin, Wu opened by Mr. Jin and other predecessors, pointing, and absolutely the heart and mind, in the loneliness of his own poetry keep holding faith to a sense of balance and concisely impressive artistic exploration, get rid of quick success, abandon the impetuous, relying on the earth, the survival of the human spirit in the situation and pre-order concern exploration and reflection. In China the moment, like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities have entered the post-modern consumer society, middle-class consumption patterns, or rather, middle-class lifestyle, constitute the mainstream ideology of the social consumption . the middle class who mostly dressed in brand-name and haunted-star hotel and senior entertainment, so beautiful in the side, with a variety of luxury vehicles, from Lincoln to the Mercedes-Benz to the Cadillac La, possession of an expensive luxury, from the prime high-rise apartments, to the scenic country house hh culture, food, sex, alcohol, cannabis, has become essential items that they stimulate the senses, between the false picture of his best pleasure of responsibility, respect for the consumer is living daily life. from flirting lust to live in dreams, from the pursuit of consumption to meet the desire of hh, etc. All this is Sex and the City in the living subject. social conscience and moral hh all be deconstructed away. But it is precisely in this desire of the city, Ming Jie obsessed with meaning and truth of the stick and the clamor to the individual writing the way to go on a pilgrimage, to which a Anning Cheng Ming. This is the first example below, Flower / very charming very clear / snow yesterday, the moment you ask me / love how deep / Today, let me tell you / if it is like Cantabile / Origin edge down / why state of mind / crossroads in this century / but Rangers four homeless / Are you really as I sketched lily / life and death / all are attributed to natural / not tell me the sky's clear / the promise of doubt / in front of people will understand no regrets from the break . Here, the poet of the mundane world of fierce criticism fallen, and the resistance to individuals deeply Tanwan powerless helpless and disturbed. He clearly looked sharp self and others, completed a sober look at the survival of individual self-reflection and Writers . Another example is In the past the process of in / on the amount of sadness / implies that young light / night light tragedy of this prophecy / what is the return of grace / how deep cracks in the fowl / skim the tears / or is plucked out of lies to good / not? / across the wall of the master / has been refreshed with a sigh, his / repeatedly / cutting sticking into my last words. gone with? silence? desolate? touched by the vast state of mind. sentimental thoughts in the poet among the lonely, the aesthetic style of poetry construction of a . China outside of the emotion vector. the same time and space, together with other images constructed Poetry. jie's is not only a unique combination of yarns like poetry group, but also a poet of loneliness ponder the mind is a wasteland of the world. Again, crying baby / disturb the legend of the lost wings / car from / stand on the edge of the legendary / so full of algae shoulders / spraying of the Holy Spirit Music / in their origin on / two true / so God was born / gaze own / mirror / old will never own. poems, the same lack the times past. like territory alone who Nagamori / soul meditation masters covered / ignored all the empty fingers. she is lonely, he prefers the solitude of the eyes with a pair of distance in the full sense of the emotional visit the other hand, she is lonely, so that the lifetime of the objective world as the spirit of play raving monologue. As the poet supported by fingers tall and solemn church, to complete their own writing life as a symbolic situation. lonely poet exacerbated a sense of inner desolation and sadness, the poet's lonely heart lonely grave cast gave a bleak desolate tone, the grave is coincident with the loneliness of the poet Masterpieces feelings. can be said that loneliness and confusion. and that covered the soul master meditation, it is deep from the isolated city on the point of view that seek to strengthen awareness of the poet lonely heart. poetry to this, the poet from the graves of the Mind pain caused by depressed subtle language written, and its feelings of inner loneliness of the same secret thought was clearing confusion.
look at the song the aesthetic life of silence. vast deserts within the Stream of Life, its rhythm and life rhythm of life, with rhythm and passion of human life rhythm, and the poet and his ilk in the internal structure of aesthetic emotion to the isomorphism. It seems to me, he is characterized by such poems based on the language itself, to seek the mind quiet, and the relative focus on honing the skills and forms of intellectual thinking in a more detailed, for life, for life, look on the fate of the intellectual, Inside sentiment of life. Some poems, advocating loneliness, attention to explore the metaphysical sense inherent in poetry. such as: hh (to sadness / hh ewes silent cry of the evening light / hh tear this misty silence hh (there is an understanding of modern Western philosophy will know, is synonymous with loneliness loneliness, and loneliness and contact with the individual life is precisely the nature of existence mm free. only to experience the loneliness people can experience life on the independence of the individual, unique and irreplaceable. In my opinion, the grass is lonely night, lamplight is lonely under the mosquito, then left alone to face and bear the personal fate of the poet, but also a kind of lonely? such tragic loneliness Thanks for the Memories also has the kind of life and death? In Natural unique aesthetic comprehension. that the poet's aesthetic sublimation of nature to get beyond the tragedy, Black and White reflect the impact of my white-haired. is brought to life the pain of loneliness and tragedy Yihuo joy, but when the poet deeply appreciate the pain, they found that the most serious here bears the meaning of life, only to grasp the meaning, to hold fast to self, to understand to the value and significance of this world. Yes, as may be one member who has not been lonely moment? But how many people have deeply appreciate the loneliness and solitude, which exists along the small open small cracks, in-depth search for hidden below a lonely life of the individual nature of it? or true to say that when the poet was not without the face of this bleak scenario, a profound sense of isolation wells, this alone is within the province of the poet's attitude to us what life after a profound exploration not only creative subject to different kind of gestures and words to resist the mainstream commercial market, two-erosion and digestion, and is the world's gaze pure inner self. After all, this Loneliness is a kind of poetry and clarity of mind and a careful guardian of the guardian of human spirit.
from this sense, the writing of poetry in the Ming-jie, many poems, is on the theme of life and existence metaphysical and Inquiry of recourse, such as expand the depth of writing. He intention in creation, many works use the black, midnight, wet, grave, soul, dedication, words like Underworld, the life of the day to shelter from the masks, and midnight is the start time for the pain of the soul, Midnight is the soul alone time. wandering, wandering, met again at midnight and soul, the soul became a symbol for life, or carrier. whether it is poetry or fiction, Ming-jie is with face, it turned away, turned toward the reality of imagination, the art of reality, towards the reality of the soul. but together they demonstrate a desire for the city in the lonely wandering of the people wandering the image. Here, On the one hand the desire of urban poet turbidity on the formation of a variety of carnival life, the value of improvisation confusion, the anxiety-like remedy. expressed the spirit of the defenders of the subject, and the maintenance of basic human values. On the other hand, as an urban wanderer, when he withdrew the face of the spirit of Utopia, nihilism in power, the original ideals, justice, morality and a series of positive value of H was almost completely destroyed the situation, feel a deep sadness from the heart .
(b) drifting in the rain Looking back on the home of the early eighties
20 century, Ming-jie leave their homes and go to different places to study, for the first time away from family. left home now so that he cherished Little Su River Village --- Xidan. When the train whistle echoed Little Su River in the winter the river, the moon shone home soil warmth of the floor, he began his lonely journey wandering journey, this step Wandering on the precarious road. said, You sit in the shoulder Xiaosheng / emotional true to yourself / light ink in the misty rain / In the instant Minzui through / heart fence / back row of a bridge for the cream / night to sit pavilion / sob behind on both sides ; the mood he was drifting in the photo can be seen as a true portrayal of writing.
in my opinion, it is because of We will only have meaning to listen to the Ming Jie mm sound unique. just let us see the truth flow described by the local song after another poem. Our forefathers, Shi Yan, song lyric. Homer from ancient Greece to China, Li Bai Fu, numerous Chinese and foreign scholars and poets have been singing their hearts, home, left us with countless masterpieces Famous. young poet jie has passionately devoted to the love of home, homeland of the soul he is led around a dream Life moved. Look at the song home of the most beautiful scenery / prodigal son from the day they're not alone / I like the hometown touch to the mountains / the sound of the roar of thousands of ah / accent of the prodigal son this desire / from each sweet sweet dreams / Have you ever been home hair management a pair of real estate broker / grasp firmly to my heart. my hand / shake the memory of his wife and children away eternal farewell / how many brilliant memories / has been with Love Piaozhui / floating on the pond to put out the poetry / scared look back on a spring herb hh home, this middle of the night wandering breath, smell the earth of his hometown, over the years, his thinking and writing, is his trip to the process leading to return home. soul Why do we need salvation, the existence of things we have to fear, save Redemption is the spirit of the conversion result. also, not back, or have roots back to the place, only to return back to once in the past. Mingjie poetry is to return part of salt, calcium salt, the body of poetry , is the most popular daily taste, not the salad, coffee, chocolate, sugar, MSG and other spices. it and whole grains, vegetable market, a hodgepodge of little people living together constitute a poem, not the poetry of life. universal respect for traditional Chinese poetry in a complex and fast society will no longer exist. great social changes of the poet to a loss of light inside that fantasy, they do nothing to grasp on life, just stop at the craft's surface, the so-called never-ending spiritual journey, is simply inaccessible. poet since childhood growing up in rural North Country, fourteen-year-old before leaving the home, wandering alone in the future, he always felt not really left home. from above that the first accent > From 1988 to leave the home of the poet, the old revolutionary base from a remote mountain mm Yimeng rural poor to come out, so that today many young people into the tumult of longing for the prosperity of the city, however, constantly pushing his hometown of blood contact cut , because of the increasingly strong long time. In my opinion, he wrote many poems about his hometown. But the poet was not happy, but rather increasingly anxiety, irritability, and not to the end of the memorial. If we say that All the poets who are returned home. In fact, the root of which means that the poet has been uprooted, the poet's hometown Passions is a sad return after cosmopolitan. poet has become a shadow anywhere, wanderer or rover. The so-called poet, writer, is to see whether he can really go back to their hometown. childhood days of sorrow and trouble, are warm to eternal life in the creation of the main memory. cicada, sound of running water, school bells and the reading hh was approaching and clear sound, old memories come back scene by scene, the poet's mind. fire on childhood memories and dreams of the debris; often let the poet to tears. the poet of enduring native fondly, the hometown forever fixed in the mind of his. a stream / feed a village / a Castle / bred many people / a Temple / sounded the sleepy village of dreams hh / Only the season she did in my lonely landscape of the growth of wet / cool her faithful through my internal organs / my every masculine feminine beauty have been her ironing / afternoon sun with her and my old oath / shore crops mature has her red-hot inspiration / my hands is nothing more than a smile render her emotions / inscription lying on her dream where I did not burst into tears / home every minute of the river to the distant migration / Floral commoner carcass has not cover the essence of her / secret has been to dance has been sinking into the soil to the pots / endless midnight gloss drops in the peel fall / O hometown hometown of River River, the river of my soul when I homecoming set allows you to revive the prestige / multiply your descendants that have been surging in the last aging signs / wilderness, a white poppy red strawberry is also quietly statement / wanderer lush eagle wings are from ten thousand light / dressed in monk's robes go beyond the endless fires burning from / home river / cool cool boiling hot. flow. long flow, flow do not know how many years out of that time a small village; Flows, out of town for several hundred years; eyeful and Wind and Smoke in the flow today. whether it is or is back up water of water, the river, where from time to time Ouniao habitat. sun shone on the quiet river, no waves, only the memories of sorrow echoed the poet come in handy in a group of cross-strait hh images, without any of the carving, it natural as interesting. home of the poet's pen, home of the smoke, lights, cloud, farm tools, the father of the pole, the mother of all poetic hoe. hoe is the mother of a gun, a crop of corn, and also grow out of your I; father's pole I / so that his son become the pillars of the world / In fact, ah you're a light / bright promise that I can only return to earth hh / Let my blood / blood you gave / still flowing / water to irrigate crops and sacrifice are you rich A mound of His book, his home and the end result. In warmth of human affection all the good feelings of the warble and sing: / is the younger brother lock you into the house / work in the fields / I hand the keys / standing at the gate / Shoudaliangpeng / watching the entrance to the village / brother in the house desperately screaming / Then to grow up / grow up to know what makes you angry / make you laughter / anger is my / pet is my / at that time I started grazing / sheep pig horse / have I do not remember / remember / in every time I go home / have a bowl of warm water / in the light I / warm my face / my voice loud and clear. Starting from the good and the beautiful poet, poetic look into the poetry of their own world, in this world, he was the father, mother, to coordinate, portrays a good, honest, great we thought his parents mm image of a father, mother, make the greatest contribution to the subject matter, not for the specific description and praise of the mother nor the Na Yishou complete poem, but a title, a poetic discovery, as he wrote his father, the mother is the ;. Another example is Hometown nothing / red light behind the child-like creatures / storms destroyed their homes and create hands / trauma of the Quartet also came to the stranger / the earth hold the village / flood medicine from the sky, / and the next downstream crops / food to escape the attention of tears / flood ah / I deeply know / you due to the sky / turn concealed in the earth. Local Images and that lingering mellow and rich texture of life seasoned Natural Language, as we open by time, the dusty, local memory, so that we can clearly feel the kind of exception to the home of wandering deep silent sadness of love, This poem is a vivid demonstration of the poet freely real life experience and their own inner impulses. In our view, the poet's look into the distance and memories of home, sense of both the call to return home, but also living in the city of his conscious critical spirit of modernity , look at the historical evolution of human alienation, distorted the home, and sustenance of the authors deep melancholy and expectations. Mingjie poetry in the care and survival of the human highlight the characteristics of care, that makes his poetry than in others and appears to Reiki flew long, but charm.
(c) of the literary imagination in the spirit of the Return of the Native
(1) Return of the Native literary imagination in mind. If we say that the reality of the poet to think carefully and artistic charm totally bonded into Magnolia Chun alcohol, Italian state full, distinct personality of local poetry, is to rely on the tenacity of his many years of exploration and artistic heritage, then I wish to further point out that the poet and the mutual attachment in the home, based on in this land, are substances in our disdain and kill the spirit of the present era, Ming-jie spare no effort to sing his native dream, singing his soul to his him, not only in old revolutionary base areas deep in the mountains, there is hope in the mother's eyes go, it is the habitat of his soul.
in my opinion, Ming-jie has been persistent in the rural world he knew, Fei County, Linyi City, the old revolutionary base that is called Xidan Liuzhuang village commune where both jie around the home of one dream, the soul, but also the habitat of his soul. his body of poetry and the poet's personal subjectivity, keep a friendly and simple emotional attitude, and in plain sad narrative gives warmth. Look at the song world / This calm water surface, such as at the child / youth sway / Desktop dry mouth moments Da / fall rate of a thousand marching to / That's a million flowers / slightly open at the crossroads / no wind and no later cook / have been the door for a long time away from home / no way back / although asymptotic way home. cigarettes / seek the ancient footprints of the Yellow Dragon / recover long-forgotten dreams / of the Yellow River may not arrive for my life's Journey / poems spotless so much / they are all for you / the first line will pass its emphasis on God / And I thought the Yellow river / but it is phosphorescent sparkle / see the first but not the tail. spiritual strength. as a way of life on the road entrants, how to deal with a path? / are quietly waiting with open eyes / No matter the road next to the village or city / vertigo can call those who do not sleep / Road often gives the illusion is the / earth road is the road / water the road is a road / mountain road is the road / is also the way the way the sky / In fact, the way an object can not be called on Road / person one way road of fish and fish / bird birds Lu Feng windy road / road is the patron saint of those who have life / If they have no way extends outside the space / then storm the sun will disappear will disappear / standing in the central / Do not want something way beyond / or fixed or start the road will thank / So who never lost the road will eventually peace. Road two decades jie wandering all over the footprints of half of China and India. I personally think that the essence may be summed up in one sentence, that is the simple way of life, in exchange for the rich spiritual universe. behind him, and constantly erected to his favorite poems in the form of paper consisting of buildings. That is his world, a world enough and the relative said he passed the same vast, the same deep, the same endless world of Chinese Poetry: From June 1999 Writers Publishing House published poetry anthology can not hide the look away from the site of love, thoughts as the sun was shining

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