Friday, February 11, 2011

Positive attention to the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases

 27 Ministry of Health announced the fourth National Health Service survey, in 2008, residents of chronic diseases in China was 20%, as projected, the country doctor's diagnosis of the chronic cases had reached 260 million.
Survey show that with China's industrialization, urbanization and accelerated aging population
, medical and health services requirements of the residents increased significantly, especially chronic diseases continues to rise, the burden of disease is increasing .2008, Chronic Disease Prevalence survey area rate (calculated by the number of cases) was 20.0%. On this basis, the country doctor's diagnosis of the chronic cases had reached 260 million. Over the past decade, the average annual increase of nearly 10 million cases. Among them, cases of hypertension and diabetes the number increased by 2 times the number of cases of heart disease and cancer increased by almost 1 times.
prevalence urban and rural residents continued to change the structure. In chronic disease, the circulatory system diseases (such as heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, high diseases such as blood pressure), endocrine system diseases (eg diabetes) increased significantly, while the respiratory, digestive and other systems of chronic disease has declined markedly. The survey results show that a doctor's diagnosis of circulatory system diseases, number of cases in 1993 to 037 million by the increased 114 million, of which 14 million patients with hypertension increased to 73 million by the disease, cerebrovascular disease from 500 million to 13 million, the number of cases of diabetes from 200 million to 14 million. on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, these diseases, We can only adhere to medication, reasonable diet, regular exercise, quit smoking, drinking and psychological adjustment to try to slow down their development and deterioration, there is no other shortcuts addition .-- From Xinhua (Xinhua Wu Jingjing, Zhou Tingyu) < br> In fact, the risk of such chronic diseases are not terrible, as long as the self-study to a scientific way of life, adherence, elderly people can live to write books for the community to contribute their own heat and wisdom. such as Taiwan hundred wind Restart of the elderly suffering from diabetes, but this does not affect his Chinese culture and ancient Chinese medicine in-depth research, but also did not affect his participation in various social activities, mainly with his daily needs and mood are closely related. and many people also diabetes, can also enjoy good medical services and material life can be in five or six-year-old blind, paralysis and even premature death, mainly because there is no reason control the disease. suffering from a chronic disease is not terrible ( chronic diseases, the growing affluence of material life has been very common today), is a terrible disease, insensitive, indifference and drift! terrible is taking drugs fits and starts network! terrible is still indulgent medication is not in place, disease can not be satisfied with the control, large fluctuations; Second, the already chronic diseases mainly caused by improper lifestyle, if not resolved to cut off the source of pain, suffering, continue eating and drinking, smoking, drinking, the disease will continue to deteriorate, , if not timely maintenance and replacement, will soon be completely abandoned, even the repair does not solve the problem. iron and steel cast car like this, not to mention our very fragile with flesh and blood human form it?
Therefore, chronic We must attach great importance. did not find lesions in the high level of consciousness prior to preventing serious, the best regular physical examination, early detection of traces of their timely response measures. Once a disease in the body, even to work by your doctor, and carefully adhere to the scientific way of life, to correct bad habits. can be said that the effectiveness in preventing chronic disease on this issue, the key is that the patient's own actions and attitudes; doctors, nurses and sophisticated medical device can only play a supporting role and supporting role.
chronic disease has become the number one killer of people every year so the number of people killed close to 600 million. Therefore, the urgent need to popularize the knowledge of chronic diseases, so that more people to pay attention to chronic diseases prevention and control business. hope competition will lead to more community residents, especially those with chronic diseases the importance of a comprehensive disease control.

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