Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wei and Jin - Ji and Tao Qian

 Ruan Ji and Tao Qian Wei and Jin mm
art and economy, politics often uneven. So do not casual elegant contented group generated in the Wei and Jin are full of turmoil, chaos, disaster, social and bloody era. Therefore, there is considerable The situation is apparently unrestrained romantic, they are fundamentally a huge hidden deep distress, fear and sorrow. This is hinted as early as Lu Xun.
as the beginning of this said, one of the characteristics of this historical period is frequently the regime change. from Northern Wei to the emperor the constant changes in dynasty, the elite competition stabbed, brutally political struggle. patriarch Nobles bigwigs always caught in the upper political whirlpool, celebrities have been sent batch after batch the execution ground. He Yan, Ji Kang, Second Army, Zhang, Pan Yue, Guo Pu, Liu Kun, Xie Lingyun, Fan Ye, Pei Wei hh these were first-rate poet, writer, philosopher, are to be killed by killing. It should be said that this is a very impressive list of representatives of these people, but it was nowhere near complete. sad story of the pain rumors. These powerful family nobility to which both rich and often live in peace but worry about abuse of the situation in full, in the political battle being involuntarily. Once and mixture of fear and lament the endless deep sorrow, thus greatly increasing the weight. their landscape, rest the spirit in which the total reservoir storage such as fear of life fear, terror, emotional conflict is actually a complex in an abnormal state. appearance despite how lightly decorated things, free and easy extraordinary, the heart was more strongly persistence of life, very painful. This constitutes a profound Wei side of the inner grace.
Ruan is typical of this type. implicit rather than explicit close contact with life and life is sad lament:
busy with haggard, classroom students Jing Qi. rode round the go, to go to Western Hills toe. one does not protect themselves, let alone love his wife. Cream by weeds, Suimu Yiyun has .
chest pregnant soup fire, so the phase change of strokes. all of infinite, seeking to know not spare suffering. But fear Xuyu Jian, the soul of gas carried by the wind. life to fulfill the thin ice and who knows me anxious!
sentimental, grief, fear, love, anxiety, worries, desires and could not escape, submissive and not suited. On the one hand want to Longevity, Introduction willing to sickness, sickness like Yan of body Albatron, the recruit Practice makes system, Qi and rural areas for the disabilities, hand in hand made oath, On return, sixty days and refused to marry hh drunk all of these are the poems that Ruan Introvert so it actually contains a desire to write can not write the great contradictions and pain. Xun said that the show at the beginning to the end of evil, that is also the same problem. on the evaluation of Ruan, Exposition has always been insufficient. In short, do not look said that he was as handsome bamboo Linming Shi is so unrestrained, and its heart in conflict with abnormal pain is deep, strongly express it, probably never been written in such a deep beautiful Ruan. It is this that makes the so-called theme of Wei and Jin and people have a real deep content, and only from this perspective to understand in order to more Wei and Jin found that the positive meaning and aesthetic power of lies.
Wei and Jin may refer to a short period of the original book which will be extended to Jin. to Tao Qian can be regarded as the personification of the ideals of its other representatives of . also to point out again, as Lu Xun: carefully, we can not forget the dead l r who avoid the political struggle. He did not read Ruan status of the valve so high, nor so involuntarily drawn into the whirlpool of the struggle against the highest level, but Tao Qian's family background and young ambition had made him interested in politics and relationships. His features are very conscious retreat from here out. Why is that? in his poetry, the ringing and Ruan et al is quite similar to the tone, as the answer: The frightened birds; he felt up to the good in people, is to escape and go plowing Paul Poor wound , status, situation, different experience, Tao Qian Ji such that there can be sharp sigh heavily, but it is still the Tao Qian to avoid reasons. Tao Qian strongly from the top of the political in the retreat, the spiritual life of comfort lies in the rural drinking, reading, writing poetry, he is not the kind of post-feudal society, the literati of the empty desert of life, a sense of community, on the contrary, His life, life, society is still very high spirits. he did not like the post-feudal beliefs Zen scholar, a thorough awareness of UN demands. On the contrary, his life and death and the impermanence of life is still very dedicated, caring, and he still has, such as out of the relationship between thought and talk Ho Kuxin of life and death. doubt if reported virtue is hereby, made the false fear of Sri Lanka Chen, kinds of skeptics of the world that life is what has Ruan: ; the Wei and Jin are high despite talk Lao, the actual remains that their spirit still can not be answered or distraction. so the foregoing impermanence of life, short life, lament, from the people to convert Fozong, seems to solve this question before.
and Ruan, like Tao Qian has taken a political retreat. but only he really did such a retreat would rather go plowing Park, contempt fame and fortune. Hin crown glory, fame, knowledge, but the inner personality and has not wronged by tired of life, is the right path in life. Therefore, only him, and be happy in life and mind to find comfort in the more realistic way. Whether lamenting life or political distress, are the natural and rustic farm life, love home to get rest. Tao Qian's work in the garden to find a home and sustenance. He since far beyond the height of his contemporaries, that the search for a more profound attitude towards life and the height of the spiritual realm. Thus, the natural scenery, he writes, not only as a philosophical speculation or material for viewing the confrontation, and a poet living , as part of interest. vast plains, a variety of common, very general view here is full of life and feelings, and acting so natural, simple. and very different from Xie et al. vegetated landscape is no longer a bunch of poems in Tao dead, but Song of truth, both plain and minimalist but also full of life:
COMPLEX Hui Qu, weeding were traveling, seeing no complex words, but the Road Sangma long; Sangma has been a long day, I land on has been widely, often fear frost sleet to, scattered with the wilderness.
kinds of beans, Nanshan, the grass pea thin Sheng; shortage of offensive anti-Xing Li, with hoe go on; Road, a long narrow grass, evening dew touched my clothes; lack of clothing stained with pity, However, no violation of the willing.
warm warm Afar village, Yiyi Market in the smoke, barking Shen Xiang, the cock mulberry top. family court miscellaneous clean, empty room is more than idle, for a long time in confinement, the compound may return Nature.
this is true, ordinary and unattainable beauty. appears to be so objective picture of nature, but only through a highly subjective character of human consciousness is possible to achieve.
Tao Qian and Ji, respectively, in the Wei and Jin Dynasties to create two very different realm of art: a transcendent things outside [rather than )], dull red, and; an Anger for no reason, generous of any gas. They demonstrated a deep form of Wei and Jin. It should be said, not the Seven, is not He Yan, Wang Bi, not Liu Kun, Guo Pu, not two kings, Yan , Xie, and both of them, it really is the most outstanding representatives of Wei and Jin.

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